Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hari Raya / Welcome Dinner

Upon our return to Bristol following the laid-back summer break, freshers and returners alike were warmly welcomed by the committee’s first organised event – the Hari Raya / Welcome Dinner.

With the aid of the very helpful warden Dr. Crossley Evans, we had no trouble at all securing the venue, as was the case for the previous years’ welcome dinners. At the dining room in Manor Hall, the long dining tables were tessellated with scrumptious offerings from Mayflower and JoyRaj catering services. There was a plethora of Asian cuisine, which helped us all negotiate with the transition from home sweet home back to school. Between friendly catch-up conversations and silly jokes, the platters of Sze Chuan chicken, duck, mixed vegetables, fried rice and halal curry dishes were extremely well received. Slowly but surely the quantity of food on our plates diminished, and we were faced with a devastating crisis – insufficient food for the palates of our insatiable students - the committee could not have anticipated such an overwhelming demand for food, and our initial supply fell sorely short. The dishes were nearly polished off even before the event neared a close.

Thankfully, on a move spurred by quick thinking, we zipped over frantically to a nearby Chinese takeout joint, Chi, meaning “eat” or “food” in Chinese, which effectively nipped our problem in the bud. Armed with packets of takeout Chinese cuisine, we headed back to Manor Hall to feed the hungry awaiting mouths.

With the food crisis alleviated, all of us at Manor Hall could finally sit back, relax, and enjoy the food, conversation, and the much missed companionship of our all friends at Bristol. Moods were high and the atmosphere feisty, and the dining room resounded with the chirpy voices of its students. At this point, the once-brimming platters tessellating the dining table were now gleefully empty, and in stark contrast, the well-fed bellies of the students were finally satiated.

With everyone filled to the brim with Chinese and Indian-Muslim cuisine, the night gradually rolled to a close with slightly sleepy but light-hearted conversation and witty banter, occasionally triggering giggles and chuckles from all around the lengthy table. As we left Manor Hall, there was no doubt that all of us were glad to be back here in Bristol, surrounded by friends whom we could always rely on for hearty fun-filled conversations and nights out.

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